Are You A Team Player? 15 Qualities That Prove You Work Well In A Team

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Being a true team player isn’t just about being part of a team—it’s about how you contribute, collaborate, and consistently show up.

We’re all in a team every single day, whether it’s at work, in our relationships, or with our friends.

Being a team player can mean being a literal team member, but it’s important to also think about the part you have to play in that team.

Any kind of dynamic where you and at least one other person are spending time together can be a kind of team.

Take some time to reflect on how you show up in teams in your life—and how you could become an even better part of them! 

Read on for some of the key characteristics of a great team player.

1. They involve everyone.

Team players are all about the team—they get everyone to join in and have their say when it comes to achieving team goals.

Part of being a great team leader is making sure that things really are a team effort, and that means ensuring all voices are heard. 

You might notice that they wait for everyone to have their turn expressing an opinion, or that they go out of their way to ask questions that engage everyone in the group.

They strongly believe that everyone can add value in their own way, and they use their excellent communication skills to make sure each person gets the opportunity to do just that! 

2. They believe in autonomy.

Being a team player doesn’t mean that you must constantly compromise or do all the work yourself—it means understanding that everyone needs to take responsibility for the role they play in the team.

One of the best ways to ensure great teamwork is by providing a level of autonomy.

That means, rather than simply telling people what to do and monitoring them, you give people the responsibility to get it done themselves. 

You’re there to support, of course, but you’re not afraid to let people have a say in how the team approaches a challenge.

This encourages independent thinking and confidence, and it builds trust within the team, too.

Being accountable and taking ownership feels good, and it makes everyone feel involved and important. 

3. They delegate fairly.

Let’s be honest, we’ve all worked with someone who seems to think they’re the boss and treats people unfairly, even though they’re on the same official level as you!

As a result, you might end up doing all the rubbish tasks while they get to enjoy the easy life and bask in the limelight. They take all the credit and you’re always stuck with the worse tasks.

Real team players understand that everyone in the team plays a vital role in achieving success, and they know that it’s important to split responsibilities fairly.

They delegate in a way that doesn’t single out any individuals or put people down!

While you might still have to do the rubbish task, you at least know that everyone else will have their turn at it, too. 

You know that it’s not a reflection on your abilities but rather just another way of pulling your weight and being a team player yourself. 

4. They collaborate.

Creating a collaborative environment is key to enabling a strong team dynamic.

People who are truly team players aren’t afraid of other people having opinions. In fact, they encourage it!

They don’t feel threatened by ideas and conversations, and they encourage the collaboration of team members.

Collaborating is a great way to get people playing to their strengths and doing what they do best.

Diversity of thoughts and experiences is what makes teams, both socially and professionally, successful—so keep an eye out for this key team player trait. 

5. They identify people’s skills.

Being a team player means taking a holistic approach to any task. Successful team players work out what needs to be done, and they know who’s best equipped to provide solutions.

If a project needs a specific skill, team players are great at picking out who’s best placed to support it.

But they also make sure everyone else can play a part in the overall success, even if they don’t have that particular skill set.

For example, if a project requires some elements of design, a great team player will enlist the help of the person with the best design skills—but they’ll then make sure everyone else can play a role in the organization, communication, and execution aspects of the project.

6. They know their strengths.

Team players are solution-oriented and know when to step up and apply their skills to achieve a goal.

They don’t isolate anyone while doing this, but they’re confident in their abilities and know how they can best support the team and deliver the overall objective.

Rather than bragging or developing a superior attitude, they calmly put themselves forward and explain why they’re in a good position to help based on their skills or experience.

Being self-aware is vital when it comes to being part of a successful team, as it allows you all to thrive in your own areas while contributing to a unified goal.

7. They know their weaknesses.

Equally, strong team players know when to take a back seat and let others shine. They accept that they can’t be responsible for all the challenges the team will encounter.

Rather than pretending to be good at something they struggle with, they’re happy to let someone else contribute their skills.

They don’t make a big deal of it, as they know that their skills may simply lie elsewhere. 

Furthermore, they’ll still support wherever they can—either by learning the required skills so they can get stuck in next time, or by ensuring that whoever is better suited to the task has all the help and resources they need.

Team players don’t feel threatened when someone is ‘better’ than them at something within a team environment. Jealousy is not something they often experience. Instead, they step out of the spotlight and let others shine, knowing that their chance to share their skills will come around soon! 

8. They credit good work.

We’ve all done a project or group presentation where one person takes all the credit, right?

It sucks!

Rather than hogging the limelight, a good team player knows how important it is to highlight everyone’s involvement in the success of a task or project.

They genuinely care that people get an opportunity to showcase their performance and successes.

Of course, they’ll take credit for their efforts, too—it’s not about martyrdom or hiding on the sidelines, it’s about making sure everyone is fairly recognized and praised.

And that’s what makes teams strong and happy! 

9. They encourage leadership.

Reliable team players are confident enough in their skills that they don’t need to scramble to the top to feel involved or contribute. 

Instead, they’re happy to let the right person lead and step up to the task. They know they don’t always need to be at the forefront of things or call all the shots in order to contribute.

They understand that a team does need a leader—and it doesn’t need to be them for it to be successful! They acknowledge other people’s skill sets and don’t take it personally. 

They’re happy for someone else to take the reins and will do everything they can to support them instead.

Sometimes, the strongest leaders are the ones working away in the background, enabling others to get involved as much as they can. 

10. They step up when they need to.

As we mentioned above, committed team players don’t always need to be leading the pack—but they also know when they’re the right person to step up!

A lot of team players are happy being in the mix and letting others lead, while some team players would rather put themselves forward in a leadership role and encourage a strong work ethic that way instead.

Either way, being part of a team means considering those around you and what works best in the group dynamic—whether that’s being part of the team or leading it.

11. They support their teammates.

Of course, a huge part of being an effective team player is offering support. The team is there to help you, offer guidance, and look after your wellbeing at every stage.

Some team players might end up feeling more like life coaches or counselors, and that’s part of what makes them so great! They are great at listening and tend to be quite empathetic.

Being empathetic is an invaluable trait to have, in both your personal and professional life. Empathetic team players consider how their actions will make you feel and take that into account when making decisions. 

It means they know when to cut people some slack, when to offer support, and how to figure out a solution that will genuinely work for the other people involved. 

12. They know when to back off.

While being supportive is important, so is knowing when to allow people to have some time and space to themselves. 

When things start getting heated or when people feel down or frustrated, a good team player can read the room and take a step back to avoid unhealthy conflict.

Letting people process their thoughts and emotions in their own time is crucial to developing positive ongoing relationships.

We all need alone time to regroup, so it’s only fair that we all get that opportunity—especially in high-stress situations. 

Sometimes the most important part of being there for someone is knowing when to give them time alone! 

13. They encourage positivity.

When you’re in a team, the last thing you need is someone moping about complaining about how rubbish everything is, or how low-skilled the team is.

Instead, you want to be around people who are passionate and positive about what you’re doing!

Excitement and happiness are infectious traits, which is why so many great team players display them so regularly.

While it’s important to avoid ‘toxic positivity’ (being so positive that you overlook actual issues or don’t acknowledge that it’s okay to find things hard, and so on), an element of positivity is definitely needed in any strong team! 

14. They don’t micromanage.

Micromanaging might just be one of the worst traits out there! 

Nobody wants someone breathing down their neck and checking every single word they type in an email.

Equally, in a relationship, nobody wants a partner constantly nagging or redoing what they’ve just done because it wasn’t the exact way they’d have done it themselves.

As hardworking and driven as they are, effective team players trust and respect their teammates enough to not monitor or control every tiny thing they do. If a team member asks for feedback or it’s obvious that some is required, a good team player will offer it in the most constructive and positive way possible.

This not only keeps stress levels low, but also means that everyone in the team can work freely, enjoy autonomy, and thrive. 

15. They develop trust.

A team is nothing without trust—whether the ‘team’ is your colleagues, your relationships, or your social life. 

Building trust takes time, and it’s something that good team players are prepared to work at.

They put the effort in and get to know those around them, while staying true to their word and showing their commitment to building that bond.

The more trust a team has, the more willing people are to get involved, and the more they’ll step up and contribute ideas, knowing they’ll be accepted either way.


A good team player might not demonstrate every single personality trait we’ve identified here, but we bet they’ll tick almost all the boxes! 

You’ll know a true team player by how they make you feel—accepted, valuable, and part of something bigger.

About The Author

Lucy is a travel and wellness writer currently based in Gili Air, a tiny Indonesian island. After over a year of traveling, she’s settled in paradise and spends her days wandering around barefoot, practicing yoga and exploring new ways to work on her wellbeing.