These are the most beautiful traits a person can possess.

Some people insist that beauty is only skin deep, when in reality, what makes a person truly beautiful is who they are beneath the surface. The traits listed here determine true beauty in an individual, and can separate them from those who decorate their shells to make up for the shadows within.
1. Sincere kindness.

There’s a huge difference between being nice and being kind. The former is superficial politeness, while the latter is sincere. A person who is patient, considerate, and goes out of their way to do lovely things for people will always be far more beautiful than one who is greedy and self-serving.
2. Charity/generosity.

There’s something incredibly beautiful about someone who does what they can to help others, even if they don’t have much to give. For example, an elderly person who doesn’t have much energy left, but who sews blankets for shelter animals or knits hats for premature babies can be considered a truly beautiful human being.
3. An infectious laugh/great sense of humor.

There are few experiences quite as lovely as sharing infectious laughter with others. If there’s a person with whom you can laugh sincerely and easily, and who brightens everyone else’s world with their effervescent (or contagious) sense of humor, their beauty will light up whichever room they walk into.
4. The ability to comfort others who are hurting.

When someone is hurting deeply, there are few things they appreciate quite as much as sincere comfort and help. A truly beautiful person is one who can bring solace to someone who is hurting, without any desire for personal gain—even if it’s simply holding space for another to grieve.
5. Compassion.

Someone can be supermodel gorgeous but be utterly dead and hideous on the inside. In contrast, someone who may not be conventionally attractive might be luminously beautiful because they show others sincere compassion. Their empathy towards those who suffer makes them shine like a candle in the holiest of places.
6. Passion.

A person’s zeal and dedication towards a particular pursuit or cause that means a great deal to them can make them exceptionally beautiful in other people’s eyes. Watching a person light up when they’re talking about their special interest is a gorgeous thing to behold, and one cannot help but be inspired when it happens.
7. Willingness (even eagerness) to share knowledge.

There are few gifts that are as precious and appreciated as helpful knowledge that’s been eagerly shared by someone with a lot of experience. A beautiful, kind person won’t gatekeep their skills, but will instead teach them to others so that they might benefit from them in turn.
8. Kindness towards animals and other vulnerable beings.

Kindness is one of the most beautiful traits one can possess, but those who show gentleness and care to society’s most vulnerable creatures tend to be the loveliest of all. Keep an eye out for those who are kind to animals, small children, the disabled, and the elderly, because they’re truly angels on earth.
9. Grace under duress.

Everyone will experience hardships such as pain, stress, and grief at some point in their life, but those who can endure theirs without complaint, nor inflicting their woes onto others in order to alleviate their misery, show a degree of sincere beauty and grace that many others can only aspire to.
10. Creativity.

The most beautiful creative works on earth are those that come from sincerely beautiful people. Pieces that speak to your soul, whether they’re works of visual art, music, dance, or literature, can only spring from the purest sources. As such, the most beautiful people you’ll ever meet tend to be those who channel that beauty into their art.
11. Self-sacrifice.

Some of the most admired people of all time are those who have sacrificed something of themselves for others’ benefit. People like Sojourner Truth, Dr. Norman Bethune, Marie Curie, and countless others have gone through immense hardships for the greater good, making them eternally beautiful in our eyes.
12. Courage.

It is through courage that one can conquer their own fears and move beyond personal horizons. This is one of the most radiantly beautiful traits a person can possess, and has enabled countless people to do some of the most heroic acts imaginable—both big and seemingly insignificant. It all makes a difference.