The 9 Hidden Powers Of Introverts

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While many people identify themselves as introverts, they and others often overlook the vast array of benefits that this can bring. Those with this personality type have various hidden powers that, while not always visible on the surface, are in constant motion.

There is no one-size-fits-all definition for introversion which makes it difficult to pinpoint all of the precise strengths that come from it. The 9 discussed below are those most likely to apply to a broad range of introverted individuals.

It’s about time that we recognized and appreciated these traits in a celebration of the quieter side of society.

1. Self-reflection

One of the traits that many introverts will relate to is their tendency to look inwardly at themselves and reflect upon what they find.

They are more willing and able to consider their behavior, thoughts, emotions, and direction in life. Being able to mull these things over allows them to identify where and how they might wish to change.

This mental flexibility is of great importance when it comes to pursuing and achieving growth as an individual. After all, it is only by getting to know yourself better that you can begin to adapt and evolve into something new.

You may like to think of an introvert’s self-reflection as a means to make many small course corrections in order to become the person they wish to be.

2. Obeying One’s Moral Compass

One side-effect of an introvert’s reflective capability is that they are very much in touch with their morals and values. They carefully consider their stance on all sorts of issues and this feeds back into their core beliefs.

Having such a clear and accessible moral code, introverts will often feel passionately in favor of some causes while being equally opposed to others. Furthermore, they are more likely to stick to their guns rather than be influenced by the crowd.

Being able to follow one’s moral compass means fewer uncomfortable moments of internal conflict where actions and beliefs collide.

3. Inner Motivation

Introverts are typically quite independent individuals whose drive and motivation comes purely from within. They do not let the expectations of others get in the way of what they really want to do.

This gives them the freedom to forge their own way through life without the pressure to conform that others may experience. They are willing to defy stereotypes and stand out from the crowd in order to follow their dreams.

This is a type of courage that goes unnoticed because it is displayed by quiet, unassuming individuals.

4. Spiritual Sensitivity

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. – Carl Jung

The quote above relates quite nicely to another of the introvert’s hidden powers: their ability to cultivate a deeper spiritual maturity.

It comes back to their natural inclination for looking inwards rather than outwards and the way this influences their priorities. Introverts are less absorbed with the external world and tend not to concern themselves quite so much with the wants and desires it creates.

Instead, they place more value on their inner peace and contentment which invariably leads them down a more spiritual path.

5. Good Observational Skills

While the view of an introvert as a quiet and reserved personality is somewhat clichéd, there is some truth to it. They tend to be less vocal than their extrovert counterparts, but this has a very beneficial consequence.

It is quite difficult for information to flow consciously in two directions at once. In other words, it is not easy to take in your surroundings when you are talking or acting in some other form.

The introvert’s less frequent vocal interjections allow for greater observations to take place. They can soak up more of the finer details and use these to enhance their learning and understanding of people and situations.

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6. Rapport Building

With their more attuned powers of observation, introverts are generally quite good at building meaningful connections with other people. They may pick and choose acquaintances carefully, but they can quickly get to know someone when they want to.

Their primary tool to achieve this is listening intently to what the other person is saying. They probe with questions and seek elaboration in order to understand not only the surface detail, but the wider context too.

Introverts tend to also favor deeper conversations over more superficial ones which help to lower personal barriers and form more memorable shared experiences.

7. Natural Creativity

Introverted types tend to seek the comfort of solitude on a regular basis and this, combined with their aforementioned penchant for introspection, seems to open up the creative side in their minds.

Whether it is the sheer amount of time spent thinking or something more innate, they are able to unlock their imaginations and let the contents flow freely through their consciousness.

This is why many writers, artists, musicians, and even some actors identify as introverts despite appearances.

8. Focus/Attention

When it comes to maintaining their focus over long periods of time, introverts typically wipe the floor with extroverts.

They will quite happily hide themselves away in a corner somewhere and get on with the task at hand. They do not feel the need for constant distraction and interaction as many extroverts might.

This focus also gives them an eye for detail; their attention is not easily diminished meaning fewer errors and mistakes creep in to whatever they might be doing.

9. Immunity From Boredom

Their enjoyment of solitude, their vivid imaginations, and their level of focus all contribute to making an introvert impervious to boredom. It doesn’t matter what situation they find themselves in, they will be able to create some form of mental stimulation.

Whether it’s simply pondering one of life’s many deep questions, engrossing themselves in a book, enjoying the peace of their surroundings, or finding odd jobs to do, they rarely experience a staleness or monotony in their day.

You could probably put an introvert in an empty room with no windows and they’d feel quite at ease.

Are you an introvert who relates to the points made above? What other hidden powers can you think of? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.