10 things that make each person a unique, one-of-a-kind individual

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Every single person is a unique puzzle composed of pieces of personality, life experiences, knowledge, and emotions.

Every person has their own perspective and world view, largely fueled by the way they’ve experienced and navigated the world.

Regardless of the exact path one’s life has taken, the journey leaves its mark on the person and shapes the way they interact with the world today.

However, we are not condemned to a particular outcome.

The qualities that make every person a unique, interesting individual can be honed, improved upon, and made to grow as we continue our life’s journey.

Here are just some of the things that make YOU unique in this world.

What does it mean to be unique?

To be unique means to be a rare and precious gem in a sea of sameness.

It is to stand out in a crowd, to be noticed for something that sets you apart from the rest.

It is the feeling of being one-of-a-kind, of having a distinct identity that cannot be replicated or duplicated.

To be unique is to embrace your individuality, to celebrate your quirks and flaws, and to recognize that they are what make you truly special.

It is to be unapologetically yourself, to follow your own path, and to forge your own destiny.

In a world where conformity is often rewarded, being unique is a bold and courageous act of rebellion. It is a reminder that we are all different, and that our differences are what make us beautiful.

10 Unique Things About You

1. Your Personality

An individual’s personality is something that is molded from the moment they are born right through to the present moment.

Every good and bad experience, every triumph and failure, every moment of strength and weakness, every bit of knowledge and wisdom we acquire…

…these guide us in how we move through the world.

No one else can or will have your exact collection of knowledge, experiences, and perceptions that causes you to be who you are.

No one else is going to respond to what you’ve experienced with the same emotions and thoughts that you had.

No one is going to make the same choices that you make.

Your personality is uniquely your own.

2. Your Attitude

A person’s attitude dictates how they perceive life and the actions of the people around them.

Both a positive and negative attitude can be infectious, influencing the people around you and pulling them in the general direction of what you are putting into the world.

That’s the foundation of self-help and motivational materials that talk about how your attitude can really limit what you can accomplish in life.

Because, the truth is that people with a positive attitude tend to shy away from those with more neutral or negative attitudes.

Your attitude is something that is formed by your emotional landscape unless you make an active choice to craft it into something better and more conducive to a happier present and future.

3. Your Experiences

A person’s past and future experiences have, without a doubt, the greatest influence on shaping who they are as a unique individual.

Every experience helps us determine how we will end up interacting with the world and other people in it.

People with negative experiences may find themselves feeling anxious and defensive when faced with situations similar to those in which they got hurt or when trying to avoid future harm.

And people seek out positive experiences to help improve their understanding of the world, the people in it, and how to best pursue a happy and content life.

That doesn’t mean that you are condemned to be held hostage by your experiences.

Certain negative experiences often contain shreds of wisdom that you can use to find a better path, make better decisions, and pursue a more positive future.

4. Your Habits

A habit is a thing we do with great regularity. The habits we have inform and determine what aspects of our unique person we develop.

A bad habit of eating unhealthy food and not exercising is going to cause lethargy and poor physical health.

A good habit of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing is going to keep your mouth healthy and pain-free.

Forming habits such as reading, meditation, exercise, or trying new things can improve mental health and well-being.

Carl Jung famously said, “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” And his words largely speak to how our actions and habits determine the person we become.

5. Your Creativity

Creativity is an interesting thing because there are so many different kinds.

You have a variety of arts that flex the creative side of your brain, from painting and drawing to dance and singing.

But then you also have creativity in other forms, like developing efficient systems, building a bookcase with your own hands, or planning an aesthetically pleasing landscape.

Every person has their own unique, creative gifts which are influenced by their own vision of what beauty is.

Sometimes, beauty isn’t a complicated thing. Sometimes creativity and beauty is simple effectiveness.

6. Your Perspective

Can anyone else in the world see the world exactly as you do?


No one else has lived your twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

No one else has experienced life in the same way that you have.

No one else has the exact same body of knowledge that you have.

A person’s perspective is uniquely their own.

That’s why it’s so important to be open to other people’s opinions and ideas…

…not necessarily to accept them as right or wrong, but to help fill in the blanks and continue to develop your unique perception of the world.

An exchange of ideas with the right person on your perceptions of the world can unlock realization and wisdom, so don’t shy away from listening to or sharing your own perspectives and opinions.

7. Your Taste

What do you like? What do you dislike?

Though we can find common ground with other people on what constitutes quality or beauty, your tastes are largely a unique facet of your personality.

A person’s tastes will influence many of their choices in life, whether it’s what food to eat or what type of people they want to have a relationship with.

Exploring the different tastes of the world, in all their forms, is an excellent way to expand one’s horizons, learn new things, and continue to develop as a person.

An open mind and a willingness to embrace the tastes of others can introduce you to so many great things.

8. Your Goals

A person’s goals generally guide how they spend their time, energy, and effort.

The areas of life and endeavors where we invest our time, energy, and effort are going to be the things we have in mind most often, which will influence what we give back and take from the world.

Short, medium, and long-term goals provide us direction and motivation when we feel lost or like we are stumbling on our path.

Anyone can get more out of their life, grow as a person, and find clearer direction by finding some goals to work toward.

Journaling is a great companion to a goal-oriented, growth mindset, because it’s a place to speak your mind freely, map out exactly what you want, and develop a plan to get there.

9. Your Hobbies

What do you like to do for fun?

It’s a common question that people use as an icebreaker, and it speaks to the type of person you are.

Hobbies certainly don’t define a person, but what you spend your time doing informs others about what kind of person you are.

Do you like puzzles? Binge-watching shows on Netflix? Sports? Volunteer work? Gardening? Cooking? Gaming?

All of these things say something about you as a unique individual, your values, and how you seek happiness or meaning in life.

That also means that trying out and adopting new hobbies can help facilitate growth and personal development.

10. Your Passion

Passion is a magnificent part of the human experience.

There are so many things to be passionate about – art, nature, and humanity to name a few.

Passions can provide much needed direction toward a goal or experience that will allow us to leave our own unique mark on the world.

The things that stir the deepest emotions in one’s soul can speak to a higher calling to do something greater than oneself, even if they might be in a mental or emotional place where things aren’t that good at the moment.

Understanding your passions can help you find a direct, distinct path that is guided by your values and unique perception of the world.

Don’t let them cool down to nothing. Stoke and stir those flames from time to time, so they continue to burn and illuminate your path.

We are all unique individuals. We all have something unique and valuable to contribute to the world. It just may take some time to find that thing you are meant to contribute.

It’s The Mix That Matters Most

There will be individual elements of you as a person that you share with others.

You might enjoy the same cuisines, share hobbies, or hold similar beliefs or opinions to other people.

What makes a person different to all others is not these things by themselves, but the combination of these things that only you have.

You are unique. There’s no doubt about it.

How to come up with specific examples of unique things about you.

Coming up with specific examples of what makes you unique can be a daunting task, but it is also a powerful exercise in self-discovery.

Start by reflecting on your life experiences, your passions, and your talents. Think about the moments that have shaped you into the person you are today, and the skills that you have developed along the way.

Consider the things that you enjoy doing, the things that come naturally to you, and the things that set you apart from others.

Maybe you have a talent for playing an unusual musical instrument, or you have a passion for collecting vintage clothing. Perhaps you have overcome a significant challenge, or you have a unique perspective on a particular issue.

Whatever it is that makes you stand out, embrace it, celebrate it, and share it with the world.

Remember, your uniqueness is what makes you special, and there is no one else in the world quite like you.

Why we should embrace our differences.

We should embrace our differences because they are what make us human. They are the things that make us interesting, unique, and beautiful.

Embracing our differences means accepting ourselves and others for who we are, without judgment or prejudice. It means recognizing that diversity is not a weakness, but a strength.

When we embrace our differences, we open ourselves up to new experiences, perspectives, and ideas. We learn from each other, and we grow as individuals and as a society.

Embracing our differences also means standing up against discrimination and inequality. It means fighting for a world where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

In a world that often tries to make us conform, embracing our differences is a radical act of self-love and acceptance. It is a reminder that we are all unique, and that our differences are what make us truly special.

How to accept yourself and your unique set of characteristics.

Accepting yourself and your unique set of characteristics can be a challenging journey, but it is also one of the most rewarding.

Start by recognizing that you are not perfect, and that is okay. Everyone has flaws and imperfections, and they are what make us human.

Embrace your quirks and idiosyncrasies, and celebrate the things that make you different from others.

Practice self-compassion and kindness, and treat yourself with the same love and respect that you would give to a friend.

Set realistic expectations for yourself, and focus on your strengths and accomplishments, rather than your shortcomings.

Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and let go of those who do not.

Finally, remember that self-acceptance is a process, and it takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself, and keep working toward a place of self-love and acceptance.

When you accept yourself and your unique set of characteristics, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and opportunities, and you become the best version of yourself.

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About The Author

Jack Nollan is a mental health writer of 10 years who pairs lived experience with evidence-based information to provide perspectives from the side of the mental health consumer. Jack has lived with Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar-depression for almost 30 years. With hands-on experience as the facilitator of a mental health support group, Jack has a firm grasp of the wide range of struggles people face when their mind is not in the healthiest of places. Jack is an activist who is passionate about helping disadvantaged people find a better path.