21 reasons why you’re bored with life (+ 14 things you can do)

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Feeling bored with life is not uncommon. Most people will experience a deep sense of prolonged boredom at some point in their lives.

After all, life is decades long—for most people at least. And many of those years will be spent doing the same things on repeat.

Repetition is boring.

People need variety in their lives, even those who are comfortable with a predictable, structured existence.

When you feel life is boring, it’s likely due to a combination of causes. So let us first explore the potential reasons for your boredom.

Then, later in the article, we’ll discuss some of the things you can do to stop feeling so bored in your life.

Why Am I So Bored With Life?

You can certainly try to identify the root cause(s) of your boredom by yourself. The list below will help you with this.

But you may also wish to consider speaking to a therapist to figure out why all your enthusiasm for life has disappeared. They can also help you to put a plan in place to overcome the feeling.

BetterHelp.com is a website where you can connect with a therapist via phone, video, or instant message.

1. Every day feels the same.

There is a certain monotony about life. You wake up, you go to work, you come home, you make dinner, you binge-watch some shows. That’s a typical day in many people’s lives.

It’s like you’re living the movie Groundhog Day where the main character experiences the same day again and again and again.

The daily grind is repetitive, tedious, and lacking in novelty and excitement. This uniformity can help us work and live in an “effective” way, but such a cycle might leave you feeling as though your life is monochromatic—lacking in color, verve, joy.

2. You sense a lack of meaning in your life.

You regularly find yourself asking, “What is the point of life?”

You don’t know what your purpose is, why you are here on this planet, what you’re meant to do with the life you’ve been given.

You feel like you’re living a hollow existence, devoid of significance and lacking in depth.

You might feel aimless, as though it doesn’t really matter what direction you take because anything you do to try to make a difference is futile.

And from this meaninglessness comes a profound sense of boredom with life.

3. Your life is a struggle.

When your life is a constant battle against challenges and hardships, it’s difficult to have fun, create excitement, and feel fulfilled.

Instead, the continuous fight against adversity drains you of energy and leaves you in a persistent state of stress and anxiety.

It’s common to feel bored of your very existence when all you seem to do is face trial after trial.

4. You lack fulfilling relationships.

If you don’t have many close friends or family, or the majority of your social interactions are superficial, you can feel lonely and isolated.

This lack of connection means you don’t receive the kind of stimulation and enjoyment that comes from truly meaningful relationships.

You can quickly feel bored with socializing and bored with life if the bonds you have forged are shallow and lacking in intimacy.

It may seem as though these people don’t really know you and that you could easily drift apart because there is so little holding you together.

You may even feel disconnected from society as a whole, not knowing where you belong or why you don’t fit in.

5. You don’t feel challenged.

Some people enjoy breezing through life, but if you are bored of everything, you might be someone who prefers a challenge.

Without one, you feel unstimulated, uninspired, and totally disengaged from your everyday experiences.

Nothing is interesting to you if everything is easy. You can’t find any motivation or enthusiasm, and this is reflected in the way you view your life.

It’s not that you want to experience hardship, but you need something to test you, stretch you, and push you out of your comfort zone.

6. You lack passions or hobbies.

Passions are something you feel driven to do while hobbies are pursuits you do for leisure. The two can overlap.

In the absence of passions or hobbies, it doesn’t take much to push you into the feeling of boredom you currently experience.

Passions and hobbies can provide a challenge, they can help you form meaningful relationships with others, and they can even give you a sense of meaning.

Look at your life and consider whether you lack the kind of personal pursuits and interests that bring fun to your life.

7. You struggle to find the time for passions and hobbies.

Perhaps you do have things in your life that you find meaningful or enjoyable, but you don’t seem to have the time to engage in them as often as you’d like.

Life can feel uninspiring when you aren’t able to do the things you want to do.

You might feel a sense of longing to do those things and frustration at being deprived of them.

This could relate back to point #3 about life being a struggle—if you have to work multiple jobs or you have dependents that need you to look after them, it can feel like there’s no room for fun in your life.

8. Your life lacks risk.

Not everyone wants to jump out of an airplane with nothing but a parachute on their back or put their life savings into a new business venture.

But to some people—perhaps you—the thrill you get from taking a risk makes life worth living.

If you are a natural risk taker who has been living your life well within the safety limits for quite some time, it’s not that surprising you feel life has become boring.

You need to be daring, to venture into the unknown, to face down uncertainty and test yourself against it.

9. You feel you’ve done everything you set out to do.

If you’re in your middling years or older and have achieved much of what you had hoped for, you might now be wondering what else there is for you to do.

Once you have achieved your goals and realized your ambitions, you might think that you are past your prime with nothing much to look forward to anymore.

And a life with nothing exciting on the horizon can feel dull and tiresome very quickly.

10. You have unfulfilled dreams.

If you have dreams that you haven’t yet been able to achieve, and they don’t seem to be getting any closer to reality, it can leave you feeling down.

You may feel like an important part of your life’s journey is incomplete, and that everything else is meaningless if you can’t find a way to reach your end goal.

Those hopes, that yearning—they don’t simply disappear when your goals go unrealized. Instead, they can eat away at the joy you feel until there’s nothing left but emptiness.

11. You are not growing as a person.

Do you feel like you have plateaued as an individual? This can cause feelings of boredom because you aren’t progressing in anything.

Progress feels rewarding. It’s nice to see the effort you put into something yield results. And it’s no different in terms of personal development.

You may feel like your life has stalled or even that you are stagnating because you are not advancing in some way or form.

Perhaps you are not learning any new skills or gaining knowledge. Or maybe you would like to address some bad habits or unhelpful thoughts but aren’t getting anywhere with it.

12. You have unrealistic expectations of life.

Do you wish life was one big adventure? Do you resent the obligations and responsibilities you have?

Well then, the reality you face is unlikely to live up to your unrealistic expectations of it.

And if you want fun and satisfaction on a daily basis but have to contend with work, study, health issues, or something else, then you’re going to find life quite boring.

13. You are depressed.

You can experience deep boredom without being depressed in the clinical sense.

And you can suffer from depression and not be completely and utterly bored with your day-to-day existence.

But there is often an overlap between boredom and depression. Depression can dull everything down, suck the joy out of life, and leave you feeling unmotivated.

So, it might be worth considering depression as a source of your boredom.

14. You lack the energy to do anything.

Whether due to a physically demanding job, mental health issues, or physical health issues, if you rarely have enough energy to do the things you enjoy, life can become insipid.

You might want to take part in leisure activities or passion projects or even just socialize with your friends, but if you can’t bring yourself to do any of those things due to a lack of energy, it can crush your spirit.

15. You feel stuck.

If your circumstances are not something you feel able to change, you can end up feeling trapped by them.

And a lack of change, an inertia that you cannot seem to overcome, can lead to a feeling of monotony and boredom.

You might feel stuck in a rut that you are unable to see a way out of. You probably wonder whether life will get better, and you are stressed by the whole thing.

16. You are passive.

The action you take dictates the way things turn out. That is as true for life in general as it is for a particular situation.

If you tend to hold back and allow things to unfold on their own, you might not get the outcome you had hoped for. And if this is a regular occurrence that affects your enjoyment of life, you can end up feeling bored because of it.

Refusing to be an active participant in situations makes you a passenger on this journey we call life, rather than the one in the driving seat.

17. You lack control or autonomy.

Of course, being passive isn’t the only reason why you might have to watch things happen to you rather than choosing the outcome.

Sometimes, you aren’t able to control things because of circumstances you find yourself in.

Maybe a health issue dictates the choices you can make. Or perhaps you are financially dependent on someone else, and they decide what you can and cannot spend money on.

Not having a say over important aspects of your life can make for a very uninteresting existence.

18. Your use of technology has altered your thought processes.

We have seemingly endless amounts of choice when it comes to entertainment. And that choice is with us 24/7 as long as a device is nearby.

This can lead to overstimulation. We can get instant gratification whenever we choose, but most of us choose to have it too often.

This can shorten your attention span and make it harder to engage in more difficult activities that may provide meaning, excitement, or real entertainment.

The slower pace in the real world can leave you unsatisfied if you’ve become over-reliant on the instantaneous “fix” of technology.

19. You are living an inauthentic life.

If you don’t allow your true self to show, if you hide behind a mask to meet the expectations of people in your life or society as a whole, then you’ll never enjoy life to its fullest.

Maybe you refrain from following your dreams or engaging in the pastimes you are really interested in because you worry about what others will think.

By pretending to be someone you’re not, you stifle your pleasure and happiness. You’re not able to taste the full range of flavors in the banquet of life to see which you like most.

20. Your surroundings are uninspiring.

The environment you find yourself in may not stimulate you, leading to a dullness of mind.

Whether it’s your home, your place of work, or the city you live in, if you spend a lot of your time surrounded by things that don’t invigorate you, you will probably get bored of it—and life—very quickly.

21. You have a general sense of apathy.

Caring about something gives it meaning. So, if you are apathetic about almost everything, you’ve got nothing in your life to provide a bit of interest.

Being indifferent toward life, having no real attachment to the people or experiences in it, will leave you believing that life is boring.

You won’t get excited by anything, you won’t look forward to anything, and you will generally feel as though life has nothing to offer.

What To Do When You’re Bored With Life

If you can identify with and address one or more of the causes of boredom listed above, then you should definitely do so. And to do that, you might be best off speaking to a professional.

BetterHelp.com is a website where you can connect with a therapist via phone, video, or instant message.

Don’t be fooled into thinking you won’t get the same quality or results with online therapy as you do with in-person therapy. You still get access to a fully qualified professional. What’s more, it’s a lot more convenient and quite often far more affordable.

Here’s that link again if you’d like to learn more about the service BetterHelp.com provide and the process of getting started.

Aside from therapy, here are some things you can do to alleviate some of the intense boredom you feel.

1. Take responsibility for your life.

First and foremost, you need to take control of your life and the way you think and behave.

While there are some limitations and restrictions, you wield quite a lot of power over your life.

So, if you feel your life is boring, be proactive and do something about it.

Yes, reading this article is a good first step, but the real hard work begins now. You need to be prepared to dig in and stay the course if you want to transform your life into one you find genuine fulfillment in.

2. Address any mental health concerns.

If you are living with depression or other mental health issues that contribute to your sense of boredom, you must do your best to get them under control.

It may not be possible to rid yourself of those concerns entirely right now, but there is a big difference between managed and unmanaged mental health.

With the guidance of your doctor or mental health professional, take steps to reduce the severity of the symptoms of your mental health issues.

This will be an important step toward feeling more positive about your life.

3. Engage in volunteer or extracurricular work with an organization.

Volunteer work is an excellent way to branch out, meet new people, and contribute something positive to the world.

There are many organizations that need everything from casual to skilled labor. You might even be able to put your professional skills and knowledge to work for a meaningful cause.

Another option is to join a professional organization related to your field. It helps not only to break up the boredom and monotony, but to network with new individuals who you may be able to develop professional relationships with.

4. Learn a new set of skills.

There are a lot of ways to go about developing a new set of skills. The internet is packed with videos and guides on how to get started in different activities.

You may also decide that going back to college to take some additional courses is a good idea.

College coursework provides structure, guidance, and access to someone who is knowledgeable about the skill you are learning about.

Online college can make it easier to attend classes if you have a busy life.

5. Develop new friendships in social settings.

Where do you find new friends? There may be local activities going on where you can meet other people from your area or hobby groups that feature regular meet-ups.

Religious individuals may want to attend regular services or activities hosted by their place of worship.

Local social media groups can also be a good place to find activities or meet-ups.

6. Try out some new hobbies.

Does your boredom stem from a lack of passions or interests? Then get out there and try some things.

Anything is better than nothing. If it’s not working for you, change the stuff that you’re doing and try something new.

Even when you do things you don’t necessarily like or enjoy, you’re broadening your knowledge and perspective of the world, which gives you the ability to connect with more people and facilitate a better understanding of what you do and do not like.

Chances are pretty good you’ll do quite a few things you don’t like before you find meaningful things that you do. So stick at it.

7. Travel to a place that you’ve never been.

Travel doesn’t need to be far off and remote to help bring some excitement to your life.

It can be as simple as heading out of town to some function where you can have a good time and relax.

Maybe an out-of-town concert and a night in a hotel?

A trek to a national park or other natural attraction?

Or maybe save up some money and strike out a bit further afield for a bigger change of scenery.

Even a day-long road trip can be a nice break from one’s day-to-day life.

8. Look for a new job or change careers.

It’s not unusual for people to eventually get bored with their choice of job or career.

They may even find that they made the wrong choice in what career to pursue and need to look at other options.

The choice to quit a job and/or change career paths is never a light one, but it may be a necessary one in order to find more happiness and peace in your life.

Some jobs are simply too demanding of time or emotional energy. Others may not provide enough stimulation or give you the room to grow that you really want.

If you’re not happy or satisfied with your career, it may be time to start looking for a change.

Extra reading: “I don’t know what to do with my life” (12 tips + 170 suggestions)

9. Get active and exercise.

Activity and exercise are so beneficial to your physical and mental health.

And with many jobs taking place behind a desk for a large part of the day, it’s no wonder that people are getting more depressed about their lives.

You need exercise to help boost the feel-good chemicals that your body produces when you engage in those activities.

Start small and set some goals to get out and get active. And if you are already active, set some stronger goals—like finishing a marathon or improving your capabilities.

10. Create some art.

The artists of the world are often driven to create in some way or another. There are a lot of people who get derailed because of the opinions of others or because life simply denies them the appropriate time.

If you are an artist who has stopped creating, you should consider getting back into it. Art helps to flex the creative mind and provides a sense of pride and accomplishment in your work.

Join a healthy community of artists who practice the same medium and work on improving and finishing your works.

You don’t have to be great at it. Very few people are. The important thing is to embrace your art if it brings you happiness.

11. Spend more quality time with your loved ones and cut out toxic people.

It is a well-known fact that spending more quality time with your loved ones causes the mind to produce several feel-good chemicals like endorphins.

It’s too easy to let your friendships and relationships slide with how busy life can be for everyone.

You must try to keep those relationships intact by making an effort to stay in touch with your friends and family.

That often means going to gatherings and things you don’t necessarily feel like or want to go to.

There’s a common thread of not wanting to be social or being too tired to participate, but if you fall into that pattern, life will leave you behind.

Attend things when you’re invited, or try to throw a party of your own if you don’t have much going on.

And do consider cutting toxic people out of your life if there are any. They are an intense drain on one’s happiness and peace of mind.

12. Find a purpose or a cause greater than yourself.

People like to belong. They also like to contribute to something bigger than themselves.

Finding a purpose or cause to align yourself and your skills with can provide a sense of pride and happiness in making a difference in the world.

That may sound easier said than done, but really there are a lot of movements and groups out there that are trying to make positive changes in the world that you can be a part of.

Extra reading: What Is The Purpose And Point Of Life? (It’s Not What You Think)

13. Set and pursue goals that will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Goal setting is an essential part of self-improvement and feeling as though you are accomplishing things in your life.

It’s easy to drift without aim or direction, but doing so deprives you of the ability to feel like you picked something you wanted to do and accomplish it, a feeling that can provide a nice hit of dopamine when you cross it off your to-do list and gain momentum.

There are many approaches to goal setting, but generally you would want to set short, medium, and long-term goals for your life.

They might be related to your health, career, personal life, or hobbies.

Extra reading: 10 Categories Of Goals To Set Yourself In Life (+ Examples)

14. Stop doing things that don’t excite you or bring you joy.

Earlier we spoke about trying new things to find those which bring you happiness and meaning.

But what about all the things you are doing right now that don’t deliver either of those feelings?

Consider stopping them.

This doesn’t mean you can shirk all your current responsibilities. After all, if you have others who depend on you to provide for and/or care for them, you must fulfill those commitments.

But look at your life and at the things you do and ask yourself whether they really mean anything to you.

Perhaps you shop just for the sake of shopping.

Or you watch the news every night just to fill the time.

Or maybe you party hard every Friday night simply because all your friends do it and you’ve always done it.

If something no longer feels worthy of your time, don’t do it.

Are you ready to tackle the intense feeling of boredom you feel? Speak to a therapist today who can walk you through the process. Simply connect with one of the experienced therapists on BetterHelp.com.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is life supposed to be boring?

There is nothing to say that life has to be boring, but most people will go through periods in their life that are considerably less exciting than other periods.

It’s a feature of the human mind that we spend endless hours comparing things—in this case different experiences and different phases of our lives.

It is difficult to maintain a high level of mentally stimulating activity over a prolonged period of time. Some people can manage it, but for others, there will be times when there is not enough going on in life to provide the excitement they crave.

Does life get boring as you get older?

Different phases of life have different elements that might make someone feel bored or energized. Some young people enjoy learning whilst others don’t, so some people may find school very boring.

But being young also means you’ve got a lot of life and a lot of experiences ahead of you. With so many firsts to enjoy, life can feel very exciting in general.

As you get older and you do things again and again, their novelty wears off and this can make some things less enjoyable. Your work may be repetitive and less varied than your time in education, which can make it quite dull. And your social circle tends to shrink as you age, meaning you spend more time with the same people doing the same things.

You don’t have to accept that life will get more boring the longer it goes on. It’s up to you and your choices to keep things mentally stimulating.

Within reason and within your financial means, you can choose to do things that you haven’t done before. Or you can do the same things but with a new group of people.

As you reach retirement, or after your children have grown up and left home, you’ll likely have the period of your life with the most personal freedom. You should hopefully be more financially secure than when you were younger and with more free time to play with.

This free time can be a curse if you struggle to fill it, or it can be a blessing if you use it to do things that stimulate your mind.

Is it normal to feel bored?

It is common to feel bored and to go through periods of boredom in your life.

That’s not to say that it is ‘normal’ or that you should accept your boredom and not try to act to rectify it.

Whilst you shouldn’t beat yourself up about experiencing chronic boredom, you should realize the power you have to overcome it.

Mental illness aside, there are no doubt many things that you could do that would give you pleasure and make you excited about life again.

So don’t equate the commonplace nature of boredom with it being the natural order of things.

Does routine make life boring?

When it feels as though your life is stuck on repeat, it can lead to an overwhelming sense of dullness. When every workday and weekend looks the same and every year follows the same pattern, the moments of joy and happiness can get lost in the mind.

Routines and habits can be incredibly helpful in organizing our lives and helping us to get things done, but when they aren’t balanced out with times of spontaneous activity, they can cause our minds to fog over with the weariness of repetition.

So, it’s not a routine that makes for a boring life; it’s having no breaks from that routine in which to recharge your batteries.

If you regularly escape from your habitual life, you can jolt your mind out of the trance it can find itself in when every day is Groundhog Day.

What other feelings relate to boredom with life?

Being bored with life may result in or be the result of other feelings or mental states such as apathy and indifference, lethargy and fatigue, anger and irritation, or detachment.

Often the relationship between these things is bidirectional, meaning one doesn’t necessarily cause the other but both feed back into one another.

Apathy and indifference are when you don’t feel a lot of emotion, interest, or concern about something or everything. If everything bores you, you are likely to be less concerned with life overall.

Lethargy and fatigue involve having a low level of physical and mental energy with which to tackle the day ahead of you. Boredom can drain you of your energy.

Anger and irritation involve you lashing out at others. When you are bored with life, you might experience heightened negative feelings toward other people or the situations you find yourself in.

Detachment occurs when you no longer feel a connection to someone or something. In a more general sense, feeling detached from life means to feel as though your actions are of no consequence.

How can I be content with my life?

Being content with life means not wishing that it was different to how it is. It doesn’t mean not wanting to grow as a person and experience new things but simply that you don’t want to live in some alternative present moment where you are having a different, more exciting experience.

Finding contentment in your life largely comes down to the mindset you adopt toward it.

This involves not constantly focusing on all the negatives or the hardships you are experiencing and not ignoring or minimizing the good things you have to be thankful for. Things may not be perfect, but there’s a good chance that they are better than you give them credit for.

This ties in with the old adage that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. You may observe the lives of other people or imagine a different life for yourself and be convinced that you’d be happier in that life. In reality, everyone faces challenges and everyone enjoys some good times – it’s how you approach the ups and downs that matters.

It also helps to remind yourself that many things in this life are transient. In fact, all things will come and go eventually. By clinging on to the past and wishing to be back there, you ignore the beauty of today.

Likewise, if you can’t wait for your current difficult situation to be over, you will struggle to find enjoyment even in the little things during that period. And that period may not always end as soon as you would like it to, meaning you remain dissatisfied and, ultimately, bored with life.

I’m bored of the people in my life. What should I do?

If a part of your persistent boredom is due to the people you spend your time with, it can feel as though you can’t do anything about it.

After all, you love and care for some of these people and want to keep them in your life—you just find them a little dull sometimes.

There are two things you can do. The first is to get your current relationships out of the rut they find themselves in. You don’t have to be arguing with someone all of the time for a relationship to have lost its sparkle.

This will involve breaking out of the patterns of that relationship in terms of what you do together and the mindset you have about it.

Perhaps you always do the same thing with a particular set of friends and you always talk about the same subjects. Maybe they are quite negative about their lives and you are sick of hearing them complain about the same things week after week.

Take some initiative in this group and organize to do something different and more exciting when you next get together. Do this regularly—make an agreement that at least once a month, you’ll all find something interesting and novel to do together.

Of course, if you have outgrown a particular friend or group, there’s no shame in distancing yourself from them if being in their company no longer brings you the joy or sense of belonging it once did.

In terms of your romantic relationship or the one you have with your family, you can be proactive here, too, and push to do things that are more fun for everyone.

You can break free from your routine now and then and do something that’s completely different and at the limits of your comfort zone to really push you.

Over time, you’ll notice a difference in the way you think about these relationships. They’ll no longer be sources of boredom; they’ll be sources of excitement.

The second thing you can do if you are bored with the people in your life is to change your mindset. Don’t blame them for your boredom. Don’t put the burden of your mental stimulation on their shoulders. It’s not their fault that you’re bored, and you can alter the way you think about them to reflect this.

It comes down to mistaking a feeling of comfort with a feeling of stagnation. These are two different things. Many long-term relationships—whether romantic or family or friends—settle down into a pattern eventually.

There is comfort in this and security. But knowing what to expect from your relationships is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, it’s good for your peace of mind to feel safe in those relationships. On the other hand, it takes away a potential source of exhilaration. Stability is less of a thrill, which is why some people thrive on drama and look for it or cause it as often as they can.

You don’t have to be a source of drama to change your perspective on your relationships. You can appreciate what you gain from having stable, loving relationships in your life.

You can take responsibility for your boredom and be the driving force for positive change (as above).

How can I overcome the fear of missing out (FOMO)?

If you are bored because you feel like you are missing out on so many fun things, it’s the fear of missing out that you need to address.

When you see people living more adventurous and exciting lives, it can taint the view you have of your own life. You might think that you are not making the most of the time you have and that you are failing at life because of this.

The truth is, very few people live their lives in states of constant fun and stimulation. Most people have to work to earn a living. Many people have to deal with the day-to-day errands of family life.

And just because they go away on city breaks every other weekend, doesn’t mean they are completely fulfilled.

If you compare your life to what you see of other people’s lives on social media, you will always end up seeing your life in an unfavorable light.

Nobody posts themselves cleaning the toilet or taking the kids to gym class on social media. They only post their most like-worthy moments.

So, stop telling yourself that you must be missing out on life because other people are having way more fun—remember that they have to put up with less exciting aspects of life too.

How can I deal with the disappointment of my life so far?

Are there specific things that you are disappointed by in life? Maybe you didn’t get the grades you needed to go to university and haven’t managed to pursue your dream career. Or perhaps you’re still single in your mid-30s and this is getting you down.

Disappointment is in the mind and that’s the first place to tackle it. The things you need to consider include whether you are attaching your ‘success’ or lack thereof to material things or being in a good job or how many countries you’ve visited.

Whose standards are you trying to live up to? Do you have a smaller house than your peers and think you’re failing because of it? Do you feel others judge you harshly because of what you have achieved in life?

First things first, you need to break the link in your mind between your self-worth and the successes you have. You are not defined by what you achieve.

Secondly, you ought to pay more attention to the things you are good at and the people and things you do have in your life. By practicing gratitude, you can turn your mindset around and stop being so down on yourself.

Thirdly, you ought to stop placing so much importance on how you think other people view you. If someone wants to judge you or look down on you, that’s their problem, not yours. They can do what they like and you can ignore them entirely if you choose to. Don’t give them power over your feelings, they don’t deserve it!

Lastly, you can tackle disappointment of the past by setting goals for the future and proactively taking the steps required to achieve those goals. Use your disappointment as motivation to change your life in a positive way.

Even if that disappointment is unjustified, it can energize you to prove your doubters wrong—including you!

How can I exert more control over my life?

Control comes down to one thing: choices. You make choices each and every day and those choices dictate how your life unfolds. Most choices don’t have a big impact, but some do and it is these that you need to focus on most.

When you feel more in control of your life, you’ll find your boredom melting away. Empowerment is an antidote to the malaise you feel.

You don’t have to be passive and only make the choices that life forces you to make. You can be proactive and make choices that better your life in some way, even when continuing with the status quo is a possible option.

Look at the areas of your life that bore you the most and then consider all the possible ways that you could do something about them. Hate your job? Could you find a new one in the same field? Could you move career paths? Could you start your own business?

Are you fed up with where you live? Do you think a new horizon might improve your mental well-being? Where would you like to move to? How realistic is that? Could you afford it? Could you find work there?

When you look for ways to exert more control over your life, you’ll be sure to find some.

Want to take action to feel less bored with your life? Speak to a therapist today who can walk you through the process. Simply connect with one of the experienced therapists on BetterHelp.com.

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About The Author

Jack Nollan is a mental health writer of 10 years who pairs lived experience with evidence-based information to provide perspectives from the side of the mental health consumer. Jack has lived with Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar-depression for almost 30 years. With hands-on experience as the facilitator of a mental health support group, Jack has a firm grasp of the wide range of struggles people face when their mind is not in the healthiest of places. Jack is an activist who is passionate about helping disadvantaged people find a better path.